Youth sports are a mixed bag during the pandemic

It’s been a mixed bag during the pandemic for youth sports. Kids need to move and have exercise but for good reason youth sports were shut down this spring to protect them and the community from COVID-19.

However as adults, it’s been a mixed bag across the spectrum. Some haven’t been doing their job to ensure the safety of the kids during this crazy time.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel took a look at it in ‘I just want to play’: $19 billion youth sports industry powers ahead through the pandemic largely unregulated. For the most part, I have seen most of what they have described. But what they have described mirrors society and is not specific to youth sports.

I’ve been proud of what the youth soccer clubs have been doing in Colorado to ensure the safety. The proper protocols have been put in place and for the most part families have been following them to ensure safety and that the kids can continue to play.

However that can not be said for other sports. I have seen baseball teams practicing on fields that are closed by the local county and no one wearing masks when not playing. Coaches should be wearing masks the entire time.

Teams have been traveling out of Colorado to play in tournaments because they could not happen here. This only increases the danger and spread of the disease. This is not good if we want to keep our kids playing.

As parents and responsible adults we need to set the positive example for our kids. Follow the guidelines and the rules and not only will we keep the kids playing but we will eventually kick this pandemic so we can get back to as near to what normal was as possible.

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