People check their brains when the enter National Parks

People tend to check their brain when they enter a national park or forest. Frankly when ever they leave the city.

I have many experiences working in national forests and seeing how people are just stupid.

Take the recent event in Yellowstone National Park where a visitor picked up a baby elk and took it to the local police station.

Most likely the baby’s cow bedded down the elk as it ate and would come back for it. This is common and protects elk. I’ve seen baby bedded down. Just leave them alone.

This is one of the reasons why the parks and forests have rules keeping people back from animals. It’s to protect the animals but also to protect people. This isn’t a petting zoo.

If you are in a national park, forest or just in the outdoors. Let the animals be. They will be just fine.

A Moose in Rocky Mountain National Park

I was up in Rocky Mountain National Park this week with the family and it was a great day trip. What topped it off was the sighting of some moose in the headwaters of the Colorado River on the west side of the park.
We saw this moose below and I was able to safety take video of it by standing about 20 feet above it on a rocky cliff. If he became upset with me, there was a lot between him and me.

Just downstream was a cow moose and a newborn baby. I saw it from a distance but there was no way I was getting close to it. I don’t need momma coming after me or others.

This was so cool seeing moose in Colorado.

Bear vs. Bison: Alex Wypyszinski Snaps Photos Of Rare Hunt On Yellowstone National Park Road (VIDEO)

Bear vs. Bison: Alex Wypyszinski Snaps Photos Of Rare Hunt On Yellowstone National Park Road (VIDEO).
These are amazing photos of a grizzly bear chasing a burned bison in Yellowstone National Park. This is just nature taking care of nature.

Canned beer takes off, I love Dale’s Pale Ale

I happened to find Dale’s Pale Ale from Oskar Blues Brewery over a year ago and then discovered another one of their beers, Old Chub Scottish Ale soon after.
I am loving their beer and the can’t be more right, beer tastes better from a can.

It looks like this notion is getting out. NPR just had a story about it today.

I am beginning to see more-and-more brewers can their beer. It is easier to get around, it tastes better by keeping light from hitting the beer and oxygen getting in, and it is more environmentally friendly.

Oskar Blues is strictly canning beer and I have seen cans of Fat Tire, from New Belgium Brewing Company, floating around also.

Look for more beer in cans at your neighborhood store.

Breckenridge’s wildfire-safety law, residents should be held responsible

Breckenridge’s wildfire-safety law rescinded – The Denver Post
Recently the homeowner’s in Breckenridge rolled back a law that is meant to protect homes, residents, and firefighters during a wildfire. This is plain stupid and ignorant.

Breckenridge and most mountain towns are having a big problem with homes moving out into the forest. But if there is a wildfire, there needs to be defensible space around that house to protect the home, homeowners, and specifically the firefighters who will be there trying to defend that space.

Well if homeowner’s don’t clear and thin the trees around their house, there will be no defensible space.

What Breckenridge was trying to do was put in an ordinance that required homeowners to do this so their would be defensible space. It was ground-breaking in Colorado.

Breckenridge is one of the mountain towns that has a lot of homes moving up into the trees. They are also having a big problem with the pine beetle, killing many of the trees that these homeowners are trying to protect.

But homeowners, many who live out-of-state, didn’t want to touch their beautiful trees. They felt the government was over-stepping their bounds. Well not me. Continue reading “Breckenridge’s wildfire-safety law, residents should be held responsible”

Electronics Recycling Event in Denver on March 7

LG Electronics and 9 News along with Comcast, Waste Management and the city of Denver will host an electronics recycling event at five locations throughout the metro area. The event will take place from 7 AM until Noon.
Drop off locations are at the Pepsi Center in downtown Denver, Southwest Plaza in Littleton, The Orchard Town Center in Westminster, The Town Center at Aurora, and Comcast in Inverness.

They will be accepting computers, televisions, monitors, printers, fax machines, consumer electronics, phones, and other computer peripherals. No large appliances. Check the website for more details.

If you take a computer cpu down, make sure you remove all personal information from it. They will make sure it is destroyed so no on can take the data off, but it is also better you take precautions also.

Thanks to LG Electronics for paying the recycling charge.

I will be taking some things and dropping them off. I hope you do too.

Democrats’ latest idea: gas stamps – Democrats’ latest idea: gas stamps
You have got to be kidding. Gas stamps?  Is this the only thing the Democrats have?

Gas stamps are throw back to the great depression.  This is a great example of a top-down, entitlment approach to government the democrats are known for.

Instead of looking for ways to lower the price of gas, they are pushing an answer that is over 70 years old and technology that is still in the laboratory.

We need real action on maximizing our oil and gas supplies today while planning for the future, utilizing new technology that will help us in the future.

Not take a big step backwards!