Terry Frei of the Denver Post deletes blog posts

Sunday with the Avalanche from Long Island : All Things Colorado Sports Colorado.
Toward the end of a recent blog post, Terry Frei of the Denver Post admitted that he deletes blog posts that have a limited shelf life about the Colorado Avalanche.

Terry, you don’t need to do that. Keeping a blog post up there is part of history and how things develop. That is the nice thing about having things posted electronically and online, you don’t need to delete them.

First-of-all, if you have comments turned off it is not really a blog. Terry, your paper allows comments on your stories in the paper. At least you can do is have comments on your blog. I probably would have left a comment there instead of writing this post.

Not deleting blog posts and allowing comments builds community and discussion about a subject you cover and many people like, the Colorado Avalanche. I think you would improve your coverage and the people who follow you if you didn’t turn off commenting and keep the posts.

Plus, it is not good blogging etiquette. Please leave them up and open up commenting.

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